
Muchas personas alrededor del planeta no conciben la idea de iniciar su día sin tomar una taza de café. Es parte de la rutina diaria. Es todo un ritual, dependiendo de como lo bebamos y donde; de si lo preparamos nosotros o nos lo preparan; y de cual método de extracción usemos. Todo esto integra una cadena compleja que va más allá de la taza que llevamos a la boca. Implica el trabajo arduo de millones de personas alrededor del globo terráqueo en más de 60 países productores. Conlleva el esfuerzo de todo un año de planificación en procura de obtener una cosecha de calidad y muchas pero muchas oraciones esperando que nada ocurra que pueda afectar a la misma, sea que se trate de un simple hongo (Hemileia Vastatrix) que produce la roya o de una catástrofe natural totalmente fortuita pero igualmente de desastrosa. Hasta ese glorioso momento en que -con taza humeante en la mano- nos la llevamos a la boca y el paladar se deleita con sus aromas y sabores.

El café es el segundo producto comercial tras el petróleo. Y es el segundo producto de consumo masivo después del Te (evidentemente por razones de población). Y esto no es casual. O fortuito.

Nada mejor que tomar un rico café rodeado de nuestros familiares y buenas amistades. El confort que nos brinda una taza del precioso oro negro va más allá de una simple satisfacción. Nos brinda calidez, empatía, comprensión, soluciones y disipa las tristezas. Todos los que somos amantes del café sabemos que no hay tribulación o alegría que no pueda ser compartida a través de una taza de café, ya sea fría o caliente.

Sean bienvenidos a mi Blog, su casa, y compartamos juntos nuestras experiencias en el maravilloso mundo del café.

Un aromático y caluroso abrazo cafeínado o(~)

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012


The Venezuelan is a man of fashion. Likes being in all the new. Is passionate about new technologies. New trends: whether it is clothing, accessories, food, visiting new locals, countries and even in talking terms. Depending on that, will know all that is considering Trendy and will differ from what is not, assuming such distinctions.

Evidence of this is the Blackberry effect in the Venezuelan population. While in other countries has produced losses and other technologies are the sales leaders, in our country remains one of the most wanted and acquired especially among the younger population. Some people say that “Male/female who is respected not walk with the head held high, because has the blackberry in a hand”. Crazy, uh?

It is also happening in the coffee world. What really gives me great satisfaction. Those who have read me know that I am and have been a fervent believer in the value of studying and learning. I have constantly encouraged the importance of instruction in recognized Institutes and Academies of formal constitution. Ideally, as I stated, is to travel and learn outside our frontiers not only the lessons taught us in those places, but also know the customs of the country, people's opinions, just sit in a cafe and watch drink coffee and which what food they decide accompanying it. That's part of knowledge. Enriches us and you don’t know how much it does. It makes us understand the complex world much more behind the simple grain.

Of course, not everyone in Venezuela has the option for travel right now especially with the limitations we have today with the acquisition of foreign exchange, expensive airline tickets and stay in hotels. But despite all this, it is worth every penny invested in it.

However, what I’m really concern about is the intention of some people to turn to Barismo in the middle of coffee, when it is only its final link, not the least, but obviously not the primary. It complements, is one with the subject and brings it to its greatest expression. Barista's work is to highlight, with great humility as just do the best in the world, the amazing qualities that this grain is being led to your palate as a cup of coffee.

I could tell, for example, that on my last trip to Europe, due to my certification as the SCAE Barista, I had the incredible pleasure of meeting bright and amazing baristas, neither certified by the SCAE. However, with an extraordinary wisdom, fervent students of everything related to coffee. Just the fact of speaking with them, even for simple twitter messages enriched my coffee life. Listening to them, I had to agree with my friend Pietro Carbone, (Twitter: @carbonespresso) which although keeps studying at the best academies in Europe, but humbly says that his certificate is in the coffee cup. Similarly think my friends in Europe, even when they are part of the world's best coffee wave.

It's complicated. But I would like you to understand my concern. Not every student receives the information in the same way, and not every teacher knows how to teach assertiveness as well as learned in a classroom. In this sense, not all certificates in coffee ACTUALLY CAN TEACH and transmit that passion that comes to feel for something you really love. And not being certified does not mean that CAN´T do that.

For me, get certified is only a matter of ratify the learning mechanism because in almost all cases we must take exams. Not all, but most. But equally, there is much I’ve learned over the Internet, Coffee Blogs, friendships I have cultivated in this culture, and generally with the use of the powerful tools we have today.

I mean, having a paper that says I got certificated in level 1 or 2 or even 3 means that I AM BARISTA. And not because I don’t have it means that I am NOT.

My recommendation at this point is clear: Just check the references. Be careful about the people that are going to get your money in an attempt to have the role that proves with knowledge of coffee. Review if they are legally constituted, which in my opinion is the basis of the whole education system. Be inquisitive, go beyond, ask and be sure of get clear and concise answers. Use the resources provided to us by technology. And once you get the certificate, practice a lot, every day, always, feel the pleasure of working with one of the noblest elements of nature: the coffee bean. Fall in love with it. Because if you are viewing as a simple tool to make money, friends, let me tell you this: you are going to be just simple coffee makers, but real BARISTAS, NEVER.

Once, I was in a course with someone who claimed to be Barista from Peru, Brazil, USA, and a lot of many places. The Time to stand in front of the coffee machine arrived and he just did do nothing: ZERO. Like one of us who were there and had expressed a desire to learn, contrary to him that came with the course curriculum ahead.

Finally, I want to share with you a lesson I learned many years ago in my practice as a lawyer. One day we were at work talking to lawyers colleagues and began the discussion of professional graduated from public Universities and graduated from private Universities. Both groups aimed for opinions either as to the quality of these professionals. The focus of discussion was that the graduated from the Public ones said that it was much better and more recognized when looking for work have being graduated from a Public. Evidently, others argued the opposite. What I learned in the passing of the years is that I have known excellent and brilliant lawyers graduated of both kind of Universities, but I've known terrible and disastrous lawyers of both too. The point is: the University will form you, but the professional, is a thing that only you can do for yourself.

Is exactly the same in the vast universe of coffee. Absolutely. No doubt about it. Remember this proverb:”the habit does not make the monk”.

“Because behind every cup of coffee…there is much more than grains”





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Pampatar, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela